

There are many things I like and I dislike about December.


First my dislikes….

  • Cold weather. I really dislike being cold.
  • Financial holiday stress. Finding that perfect gift within budget. I have ideas of what I’d like to get and do for people around the holidays and even if it’s within reason it doesn’t seem to pan out. Part might be that I think about them at the last minute or in November every year.  Not enough time to pull off all that I’d like to. Maybe next year I can finally get this planned and organized.
  • Families pulling us in many directions. I come from a very big divorced family. My father has remarried to another big family. Everyone wants a piece of us the Sat. before Christmas. Why every year do they all host a party on the same day? There’s no way we can make it to all three parties that start around the same time.  So, we usually pick the one that has santa and gifts for kids because for us, christmas is about the kids. Although to be fair we should just trade off every year. Once in a while we make it to two parties in the same day.
  • Seasonal Depression. Not getting enough sunlight or Vit. D. Over extending myself, which results in a messy Jan. However, the last couple years I’ve been able to keep it under wraps and happy. Took a lot of practice through the years but so far it’s worked out well with a few adjustments to routine and noticing when it’s happening before it’s set in fully. I suppose this could be a good thing too.

Now my likes…..

  • Chai Tea. Hot Chai Tea tastes the best during cold weather. I love love love chai tea all year long but nothing compares to drinking it in cold weather. It’s my all time favorite winter drink.
  • Holiday decorating and christmas lights. I love decorating for holidays and I love love christmas lights at night while watching a movie or cuddling up with a good book.
  • Christmas shows. I dislike christmas music, but I love christmas shows. I especially love watching them with my kids.
  • Staying indoors. The one time of the year where it’s perfectly acceptable to not go out as much.
  • Giving gifts. Not matter how small or big, I enjoy giving gifts. Period. Not just during the holidays.
  • The kindness of others. It seems like I hear more about the goodwill of others around this time of year.
  • Baking and candy making. So much fun!

And my final favorite… Planning the new year. Having dreams and goals for it. The end of one year and the start of the year is always full of hope for a better year. I love that.  I will be posting a goal list soon. We’ll see how that goes.

What are your favorite things about December?